Why I Have My Grandma's Sad Eyes by Kill Hannah
It started like this,
I was here right, standing leaning back,
My deer in the headlights look never fails
but hearing all the things that you said,
Cut me to the core, blew me away,
Like I got hit with a gunshot, like a bomb dropped,
Stabbed with a white hot knife in the heart,
While all these people still ask me
why I have my grandma's sad eyes.
Spike leaned against the side of the Swordfish, under the wing, hands in his pockets and a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He had needed some air, and even though there was a slight breeze, the oppressive heat of the Martian sun was impossible to escape. A strong gust swirled up, blowing smoke into his face. He welcomed the burning in his eyes as the image of Faye washed away along with the tear that rolled down his cheek. He took a hand from his pocket to discard the butt and swiped his face on his jacket sleeve as he pushed himself off from the ship.
After dinner earlier that evening, he had been minding his own damned business, watching Big Shots and debating whether a two hundred thousand woolong bounty was going to be worth his time and energy.
For some reason still unknown to him, he had looked up to find Faye's eyes upon him, and for a few minutes neither of them had said a word, simply staring each other down.
Then she had turned and walked away, leaving him to watch her small figure disappear down the hallway to her room.
The crushing pain that hit him was unlike anything he had felt in a long time; it started from deep down in his gut and traveled all the way up his torso, sitting like a ball of lead in his chest. He found it hard to swallow that thick knot in his throat, and for a moment he wondered if Jet had put something in tonight's dinner that had not sat well in his stomach.
He reached in his pocket and pulled out another cigarette to light.
Who was he kidding?
He knew exactly what the problem was, had known for some time now.
It was that woman with the green eyes.
Mind Over Money by Turin Breaks
Mind over money, bent over backwards
Light up my life like a very last cigarette
Time after time dear we will just lie here
Staring at ceilings it doesn't really matter where we are
Wearing a smile like it's going out of style
Look at your self, there's nothing in there
Just put points on a grave stone, can you see yourself sinking
Staring at ceilings it doesn't really matter where you are
That's alright I warned myself
Keep blood on the inside and nowhere else
Up on a shelf that's where I need to be
His eyes were closed as Faye watched him, his hands clasped across his stomach, a self-absorbed smirk across his face. He looked the picture of peace and contentment. She could have no idea of what was going on inside his head.
In his mind he was recounting all of the near-misses in his life, trying to figure out how many lives he had used up or given away, and how many he had left.
The first one, he figured, was the day he walked into the Red Dragons headquarters, signing away his autonomy and independence.
The second was when he had had allowed himself to be talked into swapping out the eye he was born with for one owned by Mao and the Dragons, pulling him deeper into the dungeon and away from himself.
The third life was wrested away from him during crossfire between the Dragons and a rival syndicate, and that was the first one from which he almost did not make it back. He and Vicious became fast friends from that point on, and enjoyed a long run of camaraderie while moving up the ranks together.
Then a stone dropped like lead to the bottom of a cesspool, when Julia entered the scene. Despite warnings from Vicious and Mao, he gave away another life by falling in love with her.
When finally he had to rid himself from the oppressive life that the Dragons had become, he faked his death to escape, nearly losing his life in the process. The rest were easy to figure out: mad Pierrot, Vincent, the destruction of Vicious and the Red Dragons.
Now another woman, whose existence in his time and space threatened to sluice out another life.
He cracked open an eye and made himself look at Faye’s still figure, fast asleep, mouth ajar as soft snores emanated from her pretty little mouth.
He closed his eyes. Yeah, he guessed he could hold on to this last life for awhile.
Seeds of Night by The Cave Singers
Oh my love
This is our town
Where gray cloud wander
Over heaven and ground
Oh, thinking of heaven
Oh, thinking it's night
Oh, thinking of heaven
Oh, maybe next time
Next life down the road
Faye had grown tired of waiting for Spike and decided to venture off on her own. She wandered along the avenue, stopping to glance up at a high-rise building displaying the weather report. She wondered briefly whether an umbrella could offer protection against meteor showers the way that her pink umbrella with the Dalmatians used to when she was a child …
“Today’s forecast: 80% chance of clouds today.”
Faye skipped merrily along the sidewalk, her pink umbrella over her head as she jumped into every puddle that she came upon. Daddy had bought it for her as a present when he returned from his last business trip. When she opened the big box, she had pulled out the pink umbrella that had oodles of her favorite kind of dog, along with her favorite movie, 101 Dalmatians. She had begged Daddy to buy her a Dalmatian of her own, but he had told her no, because when she had grown tired of the dog and the responsibility that came with caring for it, the task would fall to the servants. Faye had sulked for weeks until a new obsession had taken her interest away from a Dalmatian.
“Today’s forecast: 80% chance of meteor showers today.”
Faye heard the patter of small stones hitting the ground behind her, and she ducked under the awning of a building, waiting until the wave had passed. Once the showers had passed, she ventured out to continue her walk.
She saw Spike heading towards her from the opposite direction. Judging by the sour look on his face, she must have been gone longer than she thought. She put her hand up to her ear and realized that she had also forgotten to turn on her earpiece.
She stopped and waited for him to reach her.
“Where were you?” He towered over her imposingly.
Faye gave him an arrogant look of her own.
“You took too long.”